Hijama or cupping therapy is a very popular word because according to today’s environment, it has become very important to get it done. Due to wrong eating and lifestyle, toxins keep going in the body and dirt keeps accumulating in the blood. This dirty blood used to come out in the lower part of the skin, which can cause some diseases. It is also known as cupping therapy. In Hijama therapy, the discharge of dirty blood from the body removes all kinds of dirt and prevents many diseases.
Q1. What are the benefits of cupping therapy?
Ans1. cupping therapy Helps reduce muscle and nerve pain and inflammation and removes toxins from the body by flushing out dirty blood Repairs cells by improving blood flow.
Q2. Is cupping therapy good or bad for you?
Ans2. Cupping therapies vacuum out wherever there is an infection or dirty blood in the whole body but some side effects also happen For example, scars, burns, infections and eczema can worsen the condition.
Q3. Does cupping reduce fat?
Ans3. Cupping therapy affects the inner part of the tissue, which goes to the deeper level of the enlarged fat and destroys it.
Q4. Is cupping painful?
Ans4. There is little pain in cupping therapy, but it is the pain of wanting to get rid of the disease but nothing too extreme.
Q5. How much does cupping cost?
Ans5. The cost of cupping therapy, one session cost can be from 1,000 to 7000 rupees. It can be of 20-40 minutes and the effects are visible in 3 sessions only.
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Q6. what not to do after cupping therapy?
Ans6. Coffee, Alcohol, and Sugary Foods should not be consumed for a few hours after cupping therapy. Bathing should not be done due to temperature change, otherwise, there is a fear of infection. Avoid sweating activities such as exercise Cold and hot environments should also be avoided.
Q7. Who should avoid cupping therapy?
Ans7. Bleeding disorders Blood clotting problems such as deep vein thrombosis and haemophilia should not be performed in eczema
What is Hijama or Cupping Therapy?
This is a Chinese Medical based therapy In this, suction is created in a particular part by a suction pump and cup. Which is held for 3-5 minutes first was done with the help of animal horns and bamboo ceramic but now Plastic cups, glass cups and silicone cups are used in the modern system in which the dirty blood is removed by making a cut on the skin and it is possible to get rid of the dirt blood from the body.
These are 3 types
Dynamic cupping
It is used to improve blood circulation and soften the muscleless structure of the skin.
Dry cupping
In this, a vacuum is created by setting cupping on the skin so that the dirty blood gets collected near the cup.
Wet cupping
In this therapy, pressure is applied to the dirty blood cup by applying light cuts on the skin and the dirty blood is taken out.
Who Should Do Cupping
By the way, for removing the dirt accumulated in the body for detoxifying the body, any man or woman can get it done whose age is above 12 and below 50 Those who can get problems like acne, pimple, eczema, psoriasis, liver problem, hair loss, high cholesterol, migraine hormonal problem, or arthritis people like this can get it done.
1. Cure Skin Fungal Infection
Cures any type of infection in the body because the blood stored just below the skin in which dirt accumulates has the task of getting out. Because fungal infection is caused by the toxin accumulated in the skin which is present in the blood. In cupping therapy, this dirty blood is expelled from the body and then clean blood regenerate which helps in curing all skin infections.
2. Beneficial In Nerve Disease
The reason for pain and tension in all the nerves of the body is also the dirt present in it. There is a direct relation between fatigue and painful pain in any kind of physical work, the dirt present in the blood. It is this toxin that damages the nerve and causes pain with the release of dirt from cupping therapy, all the problems of the nerve are relieved.
3. Relief In Menstrual Disorders
Most of the periods seen in women are more or less than abnormal, this is due to hormonal disturbance in them which is believed to be responsible for the toxin present in the blood. The solution to this type of problem is also available with cupping therapy. Due to the exit of the body of dirt particular substance, the function starts working properly and maintains the menstrual cycle.
4. Remove Obesity
Many times it is eaten that obesity is born because of fat, but because of this, there are toxins and dirt stored in fat. Because obesity is caused due to wrong eating and such food items which are junk and chemical based, due to which dirt and toxins get accumulated in the blood. Cupping therapies removes the toxin from the body by eliminating such dirty blood. Due to this the dirty accumulated fat also reduces and helps in reducing obesity in the body.
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5. Healthy Liver
Cupping therapy works till the internal tissue of the body opens by removing the dirt of tears which improves liver function and causes healthy liver.
6. Cure Arthritis Disease
This therapy, opens the veins by going to the inner parts, due to which the dirty blood accumulated around the veins comes out through a vacuum and the swelling and stiffness of the whole muscles ends. Perfectly cures sciatica or slip discs related to arthritis.
7. Treating Brain Disease
Hijama and cupping therapies cure all types of brain-related diseases along with physical. Problems have arisen till the blood clot accumulated in the head. So by using this, removing all the toxins and communicating new blood, which also improves blood circulation and possessing migraine, headaches, and depression cures all.
Cupping therapy is a very ancient practice that has been practised by experienced Ayurvedic physicians since time immemorial First of all, animal horns were used for this therapy, and later it was also used for silicon plastic cups with this, the dirty blood is vacuumed out from the particular part of the body these help in the removal of many types of diseases from the body.